Agricultural Soil & Water Conservation (Period 3) Assignments

Ben Teal
Spring 2020
Career & Technology Education
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: Ag. Science and Tech.

The Agriculture Mechanics and Technology course is designed as an introductory course to the Agriculture Mechanics Career Pathway. In addition, it provides development of general mechanical skills which are required in all areas of Agricultural Education.

Typical instructional activities include hands-on experiences in woodworking, metal working, welding, small engine repair, and basic farm and homestead improvements; participating in personal and community leadership development activities; planning and implementing a relevant school-to-work transition experience; and participating in FFA activities.

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Do the measuring sheets for the first week, then complete the plant/genetics sheet for the second week.  Please pay attention to the cover sheet with news and events.



Please read the six articles, Do one article for this week, then pick another one for the following week.



Hello everyone, Please make an effort to work on these papers and be creative.  Try to use stuff you have at home before going out to buy new product.  Use your own knowledge to help with your writing and any other online resource you can fine or books/magazines that you might have.  The "Capturing the wind" paper is a good read and has some good follow up questions to work one.  843 307 6549 is my cell if any one has any questions.  email is [email protected]